It is February 1st! I absolutely love Black History Month. I remember being upset that it was only 28 days until I learned more about the significance of choosing February. Then I understood it better because Frederick Douglass is one of my most favorite historical figures. But I also decided that 28 days isn't enough and I made it my point to share Black History any day and every day! We can't be defined in 28 days. We are monumental and constantly growing.
My last year in the classroom there was a door decorating contest for Black History Month. A few people participated and had great designs but it was all the things and the people that you commonly see. Takes away from those people but there are so many others to learn about. When I interviewed for my position to teach Computer Science, the interviewer called me an anomaly. I couldn't decide if I wanted to be flattered or offended, so I didn't pick-a-side. I let the flattery and the offense lead me on a quest to prove that I, in fact, was not an anomaly. And because it was about Black women the display stayed until we were sent home for virtual learning. I'll be posting these on IG throughout the month so make sure you're following me, (
I am Black History. Even if I never hit a national platform, the things that I accomplish are historical for my family and for my sons to grow up and say "Hey! My mom did that!" And they'll have stories to tell their children and blogs to show them and books that I've written and things that I've created. We can't stick to Black History for one month. It's all day, every day, just like Jesus. We're all a part of the history of our family. Whether we want to be or not. Our character, what we achieve, what we leave behind. I'm choosing to leave a legacy so rich that my sons know they can be whatever they want to be and begin their own histories. I want to leave wealth, in every way possible, spiritually, financially, emotionally,
I will be adding to the resources list all month long. Make sure you subscribe to be notified of new entries and other great things that pop up. Also, I send a weekly list of Saturday Specials! This month will be dedicated to all things Black History, those who have made and those who are currently making it!